
Do Clouds Fail..?

Migrating Legacy Workloads to the Cloud
A Move to the Cloud May Not Be Viable
Modernising Legacy Applications (1)
Modernising Legacy Applications (2)

A Move to the Cloud May Not Be Viable

The way many businesses want to deal with these legacy systems is by moving them to a cloud. The cloud was initially a platform for modern, cloud-native workloads, but it is quickly becoming a target for legacy system migrations and virtual server farm refreshes. For some managers, the cloud is viewed as a new outsourcing provider, and moving workloads to it make the company look more modern and meet specific performance measures.

Various tools support the migration of virtual machines to public cloud instances, like Veem, Cloudendure, or Microsoft’s ASR. They all ship a whole virtual machine, not just the application or data required and are the favorite tool of some system integrators.

When we look at this cloud migration path in more detail, we notice that in many cases it is not even possible to start the old and unsupported operating systems in a public cloud platform. The software or middleware supporting the applications is usually outdated and requires an update too. So a lift-and-shift of virtual system images to the cloud is not a viable option. It is probably a good time to look into that long overdue application update.

VMware is to blame for a large number of old and unsupported legacy systems we are dealing with in significant organizations, airlines, telcos, banks, government, and more.